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Business Meeting

Enable individuals to confidently approach workplace challenges 

Reduce the stress and anxiety of navigating difficult times with expert coaching


Avoiding difficult conversations can leave us feeling trapped and unhappy.


Stressed line managers may be unsure how to approach and manage conflict.


Toxic team dynamics can leave us feeling anxious, yet unsure how to approach the issue.

Who is conflict coaching for?

Conflict can be hard to navigate, impacting all levels in the workplace. We work across organisations, offering support to those feeling uncomfortable with conflict.


You may be?

  • Anxious about broaching a difficult topic with a manager and unsure how to go about it?

  • Struggling with interpersonal conflicts?

  • Observing conflict with your team but lacking confidence in how to approach tricky dynamics?

  • Having discussions about work-life boundaries, but unsure how to make it a constructive conversation?

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Benefits of conflict coaching

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Investing in your people demonstrates commitment to a people centric culture.

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Managers gain skills and confidence to deal with conflict proactively.

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Improved communication and confidence to address conflict constructively. 

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Morale and wellbeing improves as the anxiety and stress of conflict disappears.

What is conflict coaching?


Conflict coaching is a one-to-one process helping individuals improve their understanding of conflict and their response to it.

Conflict coaching empowers clients to gain the knowledge, understanding, confidence and skills to deal with conflict more constructively. 


Clients benefit from a renewed sense of power and control over their current situation and the future.

Get in touch

Image by Toa Heftiba

Ready to arrange a meeting or simply want to learn more? We’d love to speak with you.

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