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Team Meeting

Empower your workforce to manage  conflict, better.

Increase confidence, resilience and skills with conflict training. 

Enabling your workforce to excel.

We understand conflict can disrupt teams, lower morale and productivity


Gossip & communication breakdown impacting team dynamics?


Stressed managers unsure how to approach and manage conflict? 


Creativity, pace and

quality work stifled by

team politics? 


Low talent retention as 

toxic environments push people away?

Conflict Training 

Team Meeting

​Conflict can feel overwhelming and hard. Our training isn't. 


​Is gossip and jealousy impacting team performance? Are line managers struggling to deal with conflict? Having the right skills, knowledge and confidence is key.


Our training is accessible, relevant and practical - ensuring new skills can be easily deployed in the busy workplace.


What do we know?​

  • 85% of the workforce experience conflict.

  • Managing conflict is a soft skill, it can be learnt.​

  • Conflict can feel heavy, it doesn't need to.

  • Training gives knowledge, skills, confidence and resilience to individuals and teams.

​​We deliver bespoke, simple yet highly effective training.  

Benefits of conflict training

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Investing in your people demonstrates commitment to a people centric culture.

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Upskill managers to deal with conflict proactively and with confidence. 

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Improve presenteeism and productivity with restored team dynamics.

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Morale and wellbeing improves as the shadow of conflict disappears.

Our training courses

Conflict can feel heavy and uncomfortable. Our training is engaging and lively, ensuring everyone feels comfortable to participate and enjoy.

Most importantly, individuals and teams return to the day job with new knowledge, perspectives and skills.

Whether presenting at a team away day or delivering a series of modules- our sessions are interactive and practical. 

Our most popular courses:

  • Getting to grips with conflict 

  • Conflict styles and increasing EQ

  • Building a conflict tool kit 

  • Managing difficult conversations

  • Preventative strategies ​​​​



Our bespoke training is built to meet your context and needs.

We'd love to hear how we can help.

Negotiations process in boardroom between business parties concept. Diverse businesspeople

 When can conflict training help?

Personality clashes & breakdown of working relationships

Allegations of bullying, harassment or discrimination

Intergenerational conflict and misunderstanding

Facilitating return to work 

Conflict over behaviour, attitude and communication styles

Issues related to grievance or disciplinary actions

Get in touch

Image by Toa Heftiba

Ready to arrange a meeting or simply want to learn more? We’d love to speak with you.

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